Fun Holiday Gifts for Data Scientists & Data Analysts in 2022

3 min readNov 26, 2021


My idea from these designs stemmed from when I was reading the book The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life (a bit wordy but still highly recommend ). In it, the author described one of the human motives as signaling, that we do or wear things to signal to others who we are.

This reminded me of one of the most successful marketing campaigns, the ‘free tote bags’ by New Yorker, wearing it signals you subscribed to the New Yorker and are well-read (even if you don’t read a single issue you receive).

And…that is when I started to think about what for those of us who work in data, what are the things we can use, a conversation starter, not to show off but to signal to others you get it, you know what the fun is.

Here are some of the items I’ve created so far that I thought would make great holiday gifts for data scientists or analysts. There are already many ordering these as gifts for colleagues or students.

If you get it, you get it. Happy holiday everyone!

The Random Forest Mug

The Random Forest Tote Bag

The p<0.05 Mug

The p<0.05 sticker

The Random Walk Mug

The You Are My Centroid Mug

The Visualizer Tote Bag

The Hippo Caution Sticker




Written by Chi

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